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Current Weather: Get real-time weather updates to plan your day effectively. Hourly Forecasts: Stay prepared with hourly weather predictions. Weekly Outlook: Plan your week confidently with detailed weekly forecasts. Localization: Enjoy the app in your preferred language, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, Slovak, Dutch, Hindi, Romanian, Chinese, and Polish. Data Caching: Access weather information even without an internet connection. City Selectio
Descrição do Produto
- Current Weather: Get real-time weather updates to plan your day effectively.
- Hourly Forecasts: Stay prepared with hourly weather predictions.
- Weekly Outlook: Plan your week confidently with detailed weekly forecasts.
- Localization: Enjoy the app in your preferred language, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Turkish, Slovak, Dutch, Hindi, Romanian, Chinese, and Polish.
- Data Caching: Access weather information even without an internet connection.
- City Selection: Choose your city or add cards for multiple locations.
- Measurement Units: Customize the app to use either the metric or imperial system and switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit.
- Time Format: Choose between 12-hour and 24-hour time formats to suit your preference.
- Notifications: Stay updated with weather notifications.