Free Food Dansal


Descrição do Produto

  • Login to the Dansal: Food Sharing App with Google signup. You won’t need any password or username if you’d sign up with Google as Google will take care of all the authentications for you by itself. Also, Dansal: Donate Food App supports normal password authentication as well.
  • Add item/food easily by just clicking on the PLUS icon in this Dansal: Charity and Feed Share App. By adding an item, it means that you want to share that item to the to someone who need it!
  • The explore feature is a combination of different options. Users can explore free food or any free item near by simply scrolling through gallery in this Food Sharing App easily. They can find the free food locations or free item locations on the map directly, also search or filter to find exactly what you are looking for on the gallery or in the map. Such free items or food information can be shared with someone with the help of Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, email etc..
  • There are powerful notification features implemented in this Dansal: Food Recycling, Food Donate App. When a new item or food will be added around your area, you will be notified directly!
  • You can also add your request for the food or item by chatting with the donator in this Food Sharing App who wants to Share Meals or Items. You can get the location of the item or food to collect with the help of this Dansal Feed Share App.
  • Don’t forget to thank you to the donator as they’re always there for your help carrying out charity work! Stay connected and stay tuned to Dansal and Reduce Food Waste, Food Social App.

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