Learn KOREAN Podcast


Descrição do Produto

  • What are some of your favorite ways to learn KOREAN? Personally, we love speaking KOREAN with natives and hearing the language being spoken.
  • Listening to Podcasts can be a very passive experience, but also can be one of the most rewarding and straightforward ways to learn the language, if done right.
  • Podcasts are a great way to maximize your learning when you are doing simple, thoughtless tasks.
  • What is a simple, thoughtless task? I put folding the laundry, driving to work, or taking your dog for a walk in the thoughtless task category.
  • Podcasts are a great way to get information when you’re driving in your car, making dinner at home, or waiting at the DMV to renew your license. Podcasts don’t force you to find more time in your day; they give you the opportunity to capitalize on all the dead time that already exists in your day. No internet connection where you are going, no problem by simply downloading the Podcast episode you can listen to it anywhere anytime; or stream the Podcast using Learn KOREAN Podcast App on your smartphone.
  • Even though podcasts have been around a while, a lot of people still don’t utilize the hundreds of free podcasts available on the Internet. Now is a great time to start.
  • You can’t find your favorite KOREAN Podcast, no problem. Just send us your favorite show, and we will include it in our next update.

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