People App


Descrição do Produto

  • You don’t need to spend lot of money to be found on internet
  • It’s easy to get found – you don’t need to get a domain, hosting, build a website, … to get found.
  • It’s instant – It’s live. People like people not robots or websites. People get the chance to connect with you immediately and directly without any middleman.
  • There is no list. In People App you don’t need to worry about ranking in a list to get found.
  • People App is international. By being on People App you are searchable internationally and that means thousands of new opportunities.
  • It’s not just about business. Start supplying other things all in one place.
  • People App is international. Easily navigate to other countries and connect to people around the world.
  • You don’t just find those that have a website (those that are savvy enough to build a website or fight for their online presence.)
  • You don’t only find those that are on first pages of search results (because there is no list in People App)
  • You don’t only find those that are rich enough to advertise

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