GPS Info & NMEA Logging
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Compare GPS Location with Network Location Displays Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Accuracy, Altitude, Bearing, and Time. View the Satellite Signal strength, the PRN number, and the type (GPS, GLONASS, SBAS or BEIDOU) View the number of satellites used in a GPS Location fix in addition to those in range. View and Save NMEA 0183 Messages received by your GPS receiver. It also shows the GPS time.
Descrição do Produto
- Compare GPS Location with Network Location
- Displays Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Accuracy, Altitude, Bearing, and Time.
- View the Satellite Signal strength, the PRN number, and the type (GPS, GLONASS, SBAS or BEIDOU)
- View the number of satellites used in a GPS Location fix in addition to those in range.
- View and Save NMEA 0183 Messages received by your GPS receiver. It also shows the GPS time.