English Lessons

Descrição do Produto

  • Get audio and text resources from VOA website automatically.
  • Read and Listen the news after a few seconds of buffering. No need to wait for the download to complete.
  • Resume to download a news if you failed to download the news.
  • Listen to the news in offline mode after downloading complete
  • Classify news by categories such as USA, Entertainment, Science, ... so we can find out them easily.
  • Share news to people
  • In case you cannot access to VOA website, please use this tool http://www.amazon.com/WiFi-Settings-dns-ip-gateway/dp/B00T9U2NQ6/ref=sr_1_1?s=mobile-apps&ie=UTF8&qid=1423455469&sr=1-1 to change your DNS to Google public DNS

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