School Fonts Handwriting Styles Wizard - Trace Letters, Capital & Junior


Descrição do Produto

  • Guid to copy write the letters, tell them how to write, the first…, next…., and so on.
  • Play the sounds of the letters, let them know what they are writing.
  • Select different pen to write, let them fell happy and interesting in write!
  • Select the write mode, they can write by finger, or write by hand(Pen).
  • Capture the writes paper, they can save it in the Android Photos, and share it to anybody, of course, you also can check their progress through it.
  • Refresh the writes paper, you can erase the writes, or reset the writes paper.
  • Support Android Phones & Tablets
  • Pattern movements and other basic motor skills.
  • Proficiency in letter formation and shaping.
  • Most popular US font ZB, Zaner-Bloser style of handwriting.

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